Mission Accomplished

Mission Accomplished has become one of our new sponsors! GivDapps is going to be partnering with Mission Accomplished and taking part in their C.A.R.E Initiative.

The C.A.R.E Initiative stands for College and Room Essentials and it was created by Mission Accomplished in order to supply students with a C.A.R.E package! Within the care package there are many housing accessories such as new bedding, school supplies, and other college needs. At GivDapps we will be raising money for this exciting opportunity, along with purchasing some of the items that will be included in the winning package.

According to http://matransitionservices.org/students/ to qualify and apply for the C.A.R.E Initiative you must follow these 4 guidelines…

  • You must have an acceptance letter to begin college or a vocational program in Fall 2017. This letter must be submitted with the C.A.R.E. application or by May 13, 2017.
    -You must have an economic need. If you find the cost of tuition and books are creating a burden for you and your family, APPLY!
    -If selected, you must participate in a 2 day, 6 hour Higher Education Prep series focused on time and financial management, the power of networking and setting goals for the future.
    -You must complete the full application

To complete the application and learn more about this opportunity visit http://matransitionservices.org/students/