
We are a Community Driven Donation Platform

Did you give any daps today? Maybe to a friend, loved one, or your peers? Why not give daps to the people in your community as well. With the creation of GivDapps you can do that very easily.

At GivDapps, we decided to take control and add more transparency into crowdfunding by creating GivDapps. Ceo and Founder of GivDapps, Adam Macdonald said “We found that there was a layer of friction and lack of transparency in the charitable market. These layers were blocking the true value of the donation space.” GivDapps is a technology based app that partners with other local non-profit sponsors to find individuals and families with specific and tangible needs.

The next step we take it to share their stories across our GivDapps network, where we allow users to contribute to the cause of their choice with our crowdfunding method. Not only can you donate, but you can also follow the progress of that family or individual as you see the campaign move forward.

Check out more information at our website, our twitter and instagram @GivDapps and download our App which is available in the app store!

Author: givdappsblog

We are a non-profit organization utilizing technology to promote transparent charitable giving within local communities.

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